Sunday, May 17, 2020

Essay about The Mosaic of American Culture, Its No...

The Mosaic of American Culture, Its No Melting Pot Culture is a behavior that consists of several critical elements, such as language, religion, race and ethnicity, clothing and politics. Culture is what one does in his/her daily life. In order to understand others, we must first keep in mind that every culture carries its own set of values and assumptions. Culture is an evolving, ever changing civilization, which includes several different groups people. For immigrants, America is a land of opportunity; for others it is just the best country in the world because of its economic success and/or its democratic political system. Americans usually value independence a lot, believe in equal opportunity, and have a direct communication†¦show more content†¦The mosaic depicts a society in which various communities maintain their religious, culinary, and cultural particularities, proud and knowledgeable about their specific traditions while recognizing that they are integral parts of a more encompassing whole. The communities are, a nd see themselves as constitutive elements of a community of communities, the society. Moreover, they have a firm commitment to the shared framework. We came on different boats, but we now ride in the same ship, to draw on a popular saying. From the term Mosaic we get a picture that America has a structure of different cultures. ?The mosaic implies a contiguity of fixed, self-sufficient, utterly distinct cultures. Multiculturalism, as it has been practiced in the United States in the past 10 years, implies the existence of a central culture, ringed by peripheral cultures. The fallout of official multiculturalism is the establishment of one culture as the norm and the rest as aberrations.? So I agree that the American civilization is composed of diverse cultures. Chicago serves as the best example for diversity. If we walk down on Devon Street, the area, which is located between western and California serves many communities. You could see Indian, Russian, Pakistani and Jewish shops, all side by side. When looked in closely shop-by-shop we see different cultural shopkeeper carryingShow MoreRelatedThe Melting Pot By The American Dream Essay1660 Words   |  7 Pages Since the great land of North America had been conquered by the British, it had been called as a big â€Å"melting pot† for many years. 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