Sunday, December 29, 2019

The Importance Of The French Revolution - 777 Words

The French Revolution was certainly one of the most important events in Europe’s political history and highlighted the importance of the new age of Enlightenment. The outcomes of the Revolution were many: its short comings led to the rise of the Napoleonic Regime and Robespierre’s reign through terror led other European revolutionaries to step back in fear. However, whilst the revolution failed to achieve all it had aimed to do; it did overthrow its monarchy, creating the first true European Republic, and was able to introduce a slither of democratic ideology into a society used to aristocratic dictatorship, showing other European states that the people really did have power; proving, for the first time, that left-wing ideology was†¦show more content†¦The terms of this Treaty meant that another war was almost inevitable, thus leading to the rise of Napoleon Bonaparte. Napoleon’s 1799 coup to become the First Consul of the Republic, was the start of one of the biggest political and societal reforms the world had ever seen. Napoleon was desperate to prove he was a just leader, he wanted to ensure the aims of the French Revolution became law; this was notably seen with the implementation of the Napoleonic Code, replacing the patchwork of Feudal Laws that had previously existed. The document established the Republic as the first European country to create a Civil Legal System, a modern and simpler concept that existed to serve the entire population. Napoleon’s reforms were unlike anything Europe had seen before and set the French First Republic at the forefront of political innovation. France had become an example by which many European countries would follow in the century to come. However, the Napoleonic Wars that sprouted from Napoleon’s constant changes to the international system, in his attempt to legitimise the aims of the Revolution, ultimately led to Napoleon’s downfall; yet, the consequences of the Wars were of great importance to Europe’s stability. Notably, the Napoleonic Wars led to the creation of the Concert of Europe, an alliance between European powers that would likely not have occurred without the French Revolution or Napoleon.Show MoreRelatedImportance of the French Revolution2007 Words   |  9 PagesThe French Revolution is a moment in France’s history that brought upon a political upheaval and chaotic mess. What many people do not realize is the enormous impact the French Revolution has on current European Civilization and other societies in the world. The revolution changed not only France, but other countries as well. Consequently, the revolution was not a mark in history, but a stepping stone. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Climate Change And The Global Economy - 1316 Words

As climate change continues to insist on the impending destabilization of the global economy, climate change is observed from a multitude of angles that identify threats to sustainable development. The corollaries generated by climate change are regularly interlinked, insinuating exponential exacerbation for the issues at hand. Nonetheless, prompt action can yield positive results in the overlapping constituencies. As one of the most pressing issues of our time, it is of paramount necessity to speculate what policies are in place to enforce the mitigation of climate change. What has been done ? What can we continue to do - and to what effectiveness ? With the â€Å"figure – ground† reversal and the perpetual shifts that have followed, Earth has emerged as a human â€Å"work of art†. Human beings were the creations of the Earth and we are beginning to take over that role partly because of our increasing power over parts of the biosphere, our ability to affect natural systems, but more significantly because now that we can grasp the Earth in our mind’s eye, we increasingly see that we have it in our grasp (UofT, 1993, pg. 1). The encroachment and appropriation of natural resources have contravened with the natural state of the planet, to the extent in which Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions have drastically weakened our atmosphere. The Kyoto protocol is an international agreement linked to the United Nations Framework Convention of Climate change, which commitsShow MoreRelatedThe Economics Of Climate Change1400 Words   |  6 PagesThe Economics of Climate Change The world economy is a very complex system; in the system harmful externalities disrupt capital flows and determine economic productivity. Most notable of these externalities is inadvertent global warming. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

The Body Shop Free Essays

The Body Shop Table of contents Introduction  :2 Section A3 A comprehensive strategic analysis of the industry  :3 Question 13 1)The external strategic analysis of The Body Shop3 1. 1 ° Synopsis of the beauty industry: Macroenvironement and trends3 1. 2 ° The competition: immediate industry and competitive environment5 1. We will write a custom essay sample on The Body Shop or any similar topic only for you Order Now 3 °The key success factors of the beauty industry and The Body Shop7 1. 4) The SW(OT) analysis of The Body Shop8 Question 2:8 Applicability and effectiveness of new CEO Patrick Gournay’s strategies8 SECTION B10 Question 3:10 Vision and Mission10 Question 4:11 Financial and strategic objectives:11 Question 5:12 Corporate and business strategies12 Question 615 Balanced scorecard for The Body Shop15 References Introduction The cosmetic industry is one of the biggest industries in the world. The worldwide annual expenditures for cosmetics is estimated at U. S. $18 billion. There is a strong competition in this industry all over the world. To compete and obtain a competitive advantage, companies have to invest a lot. They always have to innovate, to invest in advertising campaign in order to be known and to be successful. The Body Shop decided to be different, their products are natural, it is an ethical organisation, associated with environmental friendliness. But how The Body Shop takes part in the cosmetic industry? What are their vision and mission and what strategic directions should be recommended to the Body Shop in order to perform successfully in this industry? Section A A comprehensive strategic analysis of the industry Question 1 The cosmetic industry is a very aggressive and challenging market, in order to be more competitive and to gain market shares and customer loyalty, companies as The Body Shop have to understand their environment. After analysing the external environment (major trends of the industry, competitors and driving forces), the key success factors as well as the strategic issues will be evaluate, in order to provide a SWOT analysis. 1) The external strategic analysis of The Body Shop 1. 1 ° Synopsis of the beauty industry: Macroenvironement and trends The PEST model in as interesting tool to understand and study all the components and trends that affect the beauty industry. This environment analysis permits us to understand the strategy of beauty brands as The Body Shop. To identify the importance of each components of the industry, it is necessary to quantify them. In the last column, O will represents â€Å"opportunity† however T will represent â€Å"threats†. Moreover, a number will be associated to see the impact of each element. PESTE model for the Body Shop |Importance of the regulations concerning the launching of new |T 5 | |Political environment (legislation and |products in the markets: (allergies†¦) | | |regulations) | | | | | | | | | | | | |Globalisation (driving force) |T8 | | | | | | |Strong local and foreign competition |T9 | | | | | | |Increase in prices | | | | |T6 | |Economic and international environments |Increase in the budget bound for beauty | | |(general economic conditions) | |O6 | | |Cosmetic industry: huge market | | | | | | |Alliance groups in the cosmetic industry to attract new customers |O8 | | |(driving force) | | | | |O7 | |Societal environement (societal values and |Growth of the free time: importance to take care of our body and |O6 | |lifestyles) |beauty | | | | | | | |Importance of well being | | | | |O8 | | |Importance of the beauty (driving force) | | | | |O8 | | |Be young and stay young | | | | |O8 | | |Ageing of the population (segmentation of products) (driving force) | | | | |O7 | | |New market for men (new products.. ) (driving force) | | | | | | | |Companies and customers have more and more social responsibility |O8 | | | | | | Different needs and preferences according to the countries and the | | | |skin differences |O7 | |Societal environement (societal values and | | | |lifestyles) |Important demand variations and fashion effects in terms of |O6 | | |cosmetics | | | | | | | |Growth of the worldwide market of cosmetics (driv ing force) | | | | |O6 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |T8 | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |O7 | | | | | | |Use of internet to buy products (driving force) |O6 | | | | | | Rapid innovation (waterproof †¦) (driving force) | | | | |T7 | | |Need of strong technological capabilities | | |Technological environment | | | | |Strong marketing innovation (driving force) |T7 | | | | | | | | | | | |T8 | | | | | | |Respect the environment |O10 | | | | | |Environmental aspects |Sustainable development |O10 | | | | | | |Fair trade |O8 | | | | | | |Bio market and products (driving force) |O9 | | | | | |Environmental aspects |Ecology | | | | |O8 | After this analyse of the trends, components and driving forces of the industry, it is interesting to see the place of the competitors in the industry. 1. 2 ° the competition: immediate industry and competitive environment In order to understand the dynamism of The Body Shop, we have to understand the competitive structure of th e cosmetic industry. The â€Å"competitive structure† of this market and the â€Å"critical rules of the game set by the industry† can be explained by using the â€Å"Porter’s model of competitive forces† in the cosmetic market. The Porter’s model is composed by five forces, the nature and strengths of the competitive pressures associated with these five forces have to be examined force by force to identify the specific competitive pressure which each comprises and to decide whether these pressure constitute a strong or weak competitive force. (Hough, J et al: 2008:101). It permits us to establish how important the market is to current and potential competition. Porter ‘s model of competitive forces in the beauty market [pic] These forces are explicated in this table: |- High local and international competition | | | | | |- The Body Shop has to face the direct competition in the domestic and international markets | | | | | |- Face the numerous cheaper competit ors | | | |Rivalry competition |- Lots of competitors as: supermarket, beauty institutes, hair dresser, perfumery †¦ | | | | |HIGH |- Big brands with strong image: Dior, Yves St Laurent, Estee Lauder †¦ | | | | | | | | | | | | | |Rivalry competition | | | | | |HIGH | | | |- Too much brands | | | | | |- Too difficult to obtain a brand image and customer loyalty | |Threats of new entrants | | |LOW |- Numerous regulations | | |- There are not really substitutes products but there are lots of others brands.. | | | | | |- The substitutes products will be : | |Threat of substitute products | | |HIGH |- Cheaper products, no name brands | | | | |- Products tested on animals | | | | | |- Non natural products | | | | | |- Imitative products | | | | |Bargaining power of suppliers |Their impacts are not too big | |MEDIUM | | | |- High expectation in terms of quality and services | |Bargaining power of buyers | | |HIGH |- New generation with internet, buyers can c ompare prices | After this analysis, we can follow with the key success factors of The Body Shop. 1. 3 °the key success factors of the beauty industry and The Body Shop â€Å"Key success factors are the products attributes, competencies, competitive capabilities, and market achievements with the greatest impact on future competitive success in the marketplace. † (Hough, J et al: 2008: 97) In order to succeed and to be competitive, The Body Shop has to manage key success factors. So we can say that cosmetics brands have: – To be innovative and to propose new products – To obtain global distribution capabilities To have strong e-commerce capabilities (friendly website†¦) and the possibility to buy online products – To have an excellent and famous branding image: customers could identify them to the brand and its values. – To be different – To maintain high level of quality and services in order to improve customer satisfaction and loyal ty In the next part, we can realise a SWOT analysis to evaluate if The Body Shop meets these key success factors. 1. 4) The SW (OT) analysis of The Body Shop The SWOT analysis provides an overview of the firm’s situation and it is an essential component of crafting a strategy tightly matched to the company’s situation. (Hough, J et al: 2008: 138). The SWOT analysis is composed by the strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. We have already done the opportunities and threats in the macroenvironment analysis that is why we just evaluate here the strengths and weaknesses of The Body Shop (internal environment). | | | |STRENGHTS |WEAKNESSES | | | | |Global business Lack of new products | | | | |Ethical business |To slow to get new market share | | | | |High social responsibility |Stores too old, need a new design | | | | |Respect of human rights |Unpopularity of the Body Shop in the city and in the business | | |community | |Present all over the world (in 47 countries) | | | |Lack of enthusiasm | |Anti animal testing practices | | | |Failure in different countries: ex France, USA.. |Good manufacturing and wholesale | | | |Big problems with franchises | |Reorganisation to the firm to a management group | | | |Lack of adaptation to the needs and preferences of overseas markets | |Importance of the environ mental friendliness |(ex: USA) | | | | |Strong corporate culture in the firm ( involvement of the staffs in |Not a strong retailer | |the campaigns) | | |Important financial losses | |Products naturally made | | | |Products and concepts easily imitated | |Uniqueness of the products in term of its packaging | | | |Too much importance in launching environmental projects and too less| |Strong identity |in running business | | | | |Different suppliers from different ethnics and groups |Followers in cutting prices | | | | |A. Roddick: ethical and strong leader |Prices more expensive than the other competitors | | | | |Importance of staff selection |Lack of advertising | Question 2 Applicability and effectiveness of new CEO Patrick Gournay’s strategies P. Gournay was a business man with experiences. He wanted to create a new strategy for The Body Shop in order to be a unique brand, different to the others. This strategy was focus on different point: – Be faster to launch new products (less than one year). – Redesign the stores to satisfy the customers and to improve the brand’ image. – Cut the number of products by 25%, to be focus on â€Å"heritage† products. – Acquisition with Cosmo Trading for ? 7 million to have more control on European operations – Restructuration New products with a strong Body Shop’ identity: Hemp, differentiated products – New leadership – Reclarify the mission and vision of the company: be a strong reta iler – Outsource manufacturing and find manufacturing partners in each region – Cut administration costs – Decentralization in 4 main regions – Focus on customer satisfaction Even if some problems were still present in UK and USA, and if some periods were more critical than the others as Christmas for example, the P. Gournay’s 2000 strategy was a new life for The Body Shop. After some mistakes due to bad choices and a lack of experience in the cosmetic industry P. Gournay planed a real revolution in The Body Shop organisation. In a result of this revolution, profits rose by ? 9 million to ? 271 million compared with the same period in 1999 and most of his objectives were achieved. These elements show a very good execution of his strategy. It is always easier to plan a strategy but the implementation of it relieve to strong efforts in leadership and management. The organisational changes that is to say the restructuration as well as the decentralization of the company were very good strategic changes. It permits to share the responsibilities and to involve more the employees in this new strategy. P. Gourmay is a strong leader, he had the capacity to believe in The Body Shop future and to be fast to react. It understood the needs of the markets in creating new products as well as new services as home selling. He also wanted to be more customer oriented, improving the brand image thanks to the redesign of the shops and developing marketing tools as customer loyalty program in UK. Even if his lack of experience in the beauty industry was claimed, he was able to refocus the company to be a strong retailer. The results of his strategy have been done by better profits, share value and sales. Gourmay looks to be a good communicant, he explained numerous times his choices and the aim of his strategy, this step is important to create a strategy-supportive culture. The applicability and effectiveness of his strategy have been recognized by analysts, by the business community but also by all the company. Section B Question 3 Vision and Mission †¢ A mission statement focuses on current business activities — â€Å"who we are and what we do† The Body Shop is a global business, based on ethics, his products are known and famous for their naturally and because they are not tested on animals. The Body Shop is an organization with strong values and identity. The Body Shop was one of the first organization focuses on social responsibility and fair trade. The Body Shop offers natural cosmetics and personal care products. They have services as home selling and massages in their shops. With ageing of population and the importance of well being nowadays, customers have strong expectations in terms of quality and excellence. The sustainable development is a recent value in our society and customers expect companies as The Body Shop to respect it. The Body Shop is a good retailer; it has manufacturing partners in each of his four region area. This organization has the capacity to create new 100% natural products and to be involved in social causes. †¢ A strategic vision concerns a firm’s future business path — â€Å"where we are going† The Body Shop should gain market share and extend his leadership position in the cosmetic industry worldwide. They should be more famous and extend their brand awareness all over the world. The Body Shop will follow with his ethical values and develop new products and services in order to be more competitive. In other words, The Body Shop has to create new opportunities to leverage their brand globally. To achieve these goals, The Body Shop has to pursue and to improve the broader corporate goals of profitable growth and continuous improvement. The Body Shop should: – Achieve world-class performance by attaining a strong competitive position in target markets. – Exceed customer expectations for quality and value. – Earn in excess of the cost of capital over a business cycle. These elements can be reaching thanks to: – The distinguished brand The heritage of integrity and teamwork. – The advanced skills – The special relationships that have long existed between the company and the employees, customers, dealers and other business partners around the world The Body Shop has to pursue his natural products based more on well being th an beauty. They have to follow their politics about ethics and fair trade and stay oriented by the environmental friendliness. The Body Shop has to be focus on customer satisfaction. The management has to be more profits oriented and be more aggressive in order to survive. †¢ Types of business , the body shop should be in: The Body Shop should open his shops to new customers. Nowadays there is a new market with men and old people. They should segment their products and adapt them to new consumers’ needs and expectations. They also should create and develop a friendly website where customers could see all of their range of products and buy them online. Question 4: Financial and strategic objectives: Financial objectives: Outcomes focused on improving financial performance ? Achieve revenue growth of 10% per year This objective is important and it is achievable. Indeed, thanks to P. Gourmay they have reached very good performances in term of profits and sales. This objective will be the consequences of the new strategy implementation. It also will be the results of a better customer satisfaction and brand awareness. This objective can be reach thanks to an internal growth as I said before but also thanks to an external growth. It will be interesting for The Body Shop to realize alliances with big actors of the cosmetic industry. ? Increase net profit margins from 2% to 4% As we can see in The Body Shop case, that during Christmas period they have interesting margins. This objective can be the results of scale economies, and costs reductions. Strategic objectives; Outcomes focused on improving long-term, competitive business position. Different strategic objectives could be developed: ? Have more attractive products than rivals Be more focus on customer satisfaction ? Gain customer loyalty ? be more innovative ? Gain recognition as a leader in natural products We are going to focus on 2 main objectives: ? be more focus on customer satisfaction This element is key point to ensure the future of the Body Shop, they ha ve to be more customer oriented, to understand their needs and expectations. If customers are satisfied and feel considered, they will be naturally more loyal. As we know, a loyal customer is cheaper than a new customer. Different tools will be developed in the new strategy in order to reach this objective. Moreover, The Body Shop will have a new strategy to obtain new customers. Gain recognition as a leader in natural products The core competency of The Body Shop is his capacity to create natural products. To gain market share, they should use this element and work on it in order to be recognize as a leader in the natural cosmetics industry. This element will give to the Body Shop an excellent and famous branding image. The Body Shop will have an image of â€Å"specific† companies, with strong skills and know-how. Question 5 Corporate and business strategies In order to reach the financial and strategic objectives gave above, The Body Shop has to realise some actions to be m ore and more competitive during the five next years: The Body Shop has to follow his strategy of differentiation by launching natural Products with elements from all over the world. â€Å"The essence of a broad differentiation strategy is to be unique in ways that are valuable to a wide range of customers. † (Hough, J et al: 2008: 152) To be very effective, The Body Shop has to study consumers ‘needs and behaviours to understand what they consider important, what they think has value and what they are willing to pay for. This buyers study will help them to create new products and services perfectly adapted to consumers’ expectations. It they follow this strategy and tried to be totally different, the consumers will accept to paid more and will be able to identify them to the brand. This strategy needs also to have a strong corporate culture based on innovation, the human resources have a strategic role, they have to recruit creative employees. The employees have also to be trained in order to be innovative and creative. – Have a bigger brand awareness is necessary for the Body Shop. That is why they have to invest more in marketing. They already have a strong identity but they have to diffuse it thanks to new media opportunities. The communication is an important element, more advertising campaign will add value and increase brand awareness. A powerful world advertising campaign will be interesting. As the Body Shop is a brand with strong values and politics, they should realise a different campaign as â€Å"Benetton† has done few years ago. In this campaign, they have to be different and to communicate about their natural products, that is to say their specific skills, their high quality and excellence. The campaign will be a â€Å"paper† campaign or a TV one, if the budget allows these expenditures. – As I said before, The Body Shop has to be customer oriented. They should realise a friendly website where customers will be able to see their range of products and services and where they would be able to buy online products. It will permit to customers to have good references and to be easily found on the world wide web. The website will permits to the organization to be more attractive and to attract a maximum of internet users. The organization should develop his customer loyalty programs all over the world. People like to be considerate as a specific customer and expect to have a â€Å"specific treatment†. The loyalty card encourages consumers to be loyal in order to receive presents and special o ffers. – They also could extend their services: Selling at home should be proposed in numerous countries. Customers love being the main interest of the companies. With this service they feel caring and have the feeling to have customized services. We have also seen that additional services as massages have increase the sales. People after having a nice moment want to buy the products used during this time. The Body Shop should propose services as sauna and hammam for example. – The Body Shop should not stay a niche market. The new trends and lifestyles give them big opportunities. They should realise a segmentation of their products that is to say they should have specific products for men and old people for example. They have to innovate and to adapt them to the changes. – The Body Shop is already a global company but they should be present in other market as India, an emerging market. The beauty is an important value on this country, and the Indian beauty is known all over the world thanks to L’Oreal’s muse. This new market can ensure new sales and market shares, it is a new opportunity. The Body Shop should adopt a more aggressive strategy; the competition should not be underestimating. The company has to be more profit oriented. To reach their objectives, they can realise some alliance with a big brand as L’Oreal. Indeed, this alliance will permit them to shares their resources and capabilities in technology and innovation for example. It will help them to realise new products. – The creation of new products will also be strategic elements in specific period as Christmas. The Body Shop should realise limited products to give exclusivity to some customers. With specific range of products for this specific period, The Body Shop will improve his differentiation. All these changes require strong involvement of the management and employees, The Body Shop has to be more reactive, and they have to adapt them of their environment: lifestyles etc. As Gourmay done, the company has to change its structure when it is not adapted in order to be profitable and to promote innovation in the company. The culture has to be supportive and be oriented on differentiation and creativity. The resources are necessary to invest on an advertising campaign for example, but these marketing tools can lead to an increase on sales, market share and profitability. The company has to think regionally and globally in order to be present in new market as emerging market. The control is an important step, it is important to evaluate the actions done and to learn from the mistakes. The evaluation permits to have a continuous improvement, The Body Shop should be more control oriented. Question 6 Balanced scorecard for The Body Shop |THE BODY SHOP | |HEAD OFFICE | |MAIN OBJECTIVE: | |Increase their market share all over the world, be a leader in natural products and have a better brand awareness | FINANCIAL |CUSTOMERS |INTERNAL |LEARNING AND GROWTH | | | | | | |- Refocus on retailing |- Increase their satisfaction |- Reinvention of The Body Shop |- Training of employees to be | | | |brand |more creative and innovative | |- New market shares: |- New products and services | | | |Selling in new market: India |(massages.. |- New structure |-Profiling the staff | | | | | | |- Revenue growth of 10% per year |- Better adaptation to each |- New strategy, plans and |- New staff: recruitment | | |countries’ needs and preferences |leadership | | | | | |- I nnovative culture | |- Increase of the share price |- Better communication |- Products line and distribution | | | | |channels rationalized | | |- Selling new products |- Customer retention | | | | | |- Decentralization of the | | |-Selling to new consumers |-Customer acquisition |management | | | | | | | |- Alliance with cosmetics |- Redesign the stores, better |- New values: quality and | | |companies: L’OREAL for example |brand image |excellence | | | | | | | | |- More customer information |- Regulatory control | | | | | | | | |- More prominently |- Be a good corporate citizen | | | | | | | | |- More loyalty programs | | | References – Hought, J. Arthur, A. Thompson, Jr. Strickland III, A. J Gambie, J. E. 2008. Crafting and Executing Strategy. McGraw Hill International Edition. – Piercy, N. The Body Shop. A case for burial or rising from the grave? – The Body Shop values report. 2007. How to cite The Body Shop, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics. Answer: Introduction Information and communication technology is used by almost every organization for running the business as well as for the development of the business. This technology is gaining huge importance with the passage of time. The organizations are able to gain reputation as well as create and generate value by using the solutions provided by ICT (Keller Heiko, 2014). ICT plays a crucial role in every industry. The organizations can achieve success by incorporating ICT in the business processes as well as business plans (Day et al., 2012). Managing information becomes simple and effective by the incorporation of ICT in the business processes. Treating ICT independently from the business processes will affect the IT projects leading to its failure (Vaishnavi Kuechler, 2015). There are many security threats as well as risks that are associated with the ICT. The given case study gives an overview of a small Australian organization that develops software and is aiming to expand the business. ICT security applications are gaining importance because of the numerous data and security risks as well as threats. This report describes the information as well as network security of the information technology and ICT. It also talks about three applications of network security. These applications play a crucial role in the current market. Most of the organizations adopt these applications for protecting their intellectual property and sensitive data. This report not only talks about the advantages of using these applications but also points out the limitations of these applications. It also figures out the ways by which these applications will play a major role in the expansion of the Australian company. This report also gives recommendations regarding the ways by which the company will be able to grow and expand its business while maintaining a certain level of security in the organization. The main aim of network or information security is to protect sensitive information and data from unauthorized access as well as tampering (Shiravi, Shiravi Ghorbani, 2012). In this era of technology, the organizations that are running in the market give topmost level of priority to information security. Almost every organization incorporate security features in all the business processes in order to achieve success and protect their sensitive data. Information security is concerned with the protection of network as well as system against malware and other harmful attacks. Attackers have the ability to exploit weaknesses present in the networks or systems (Skopik et al., 2012). There are several types of weaknesses that can be present in the system like technological weakness, configuration weakness and weakness existing in the policy (Luiijf, 2012). An organization has to deal with several data as well as security threats and risks. Implementation of strong security standards as we ll as policy will help an organization to mitigate and reduce the chances of security attacks. Information and Network Security Applications in the Current Market The security risks as well as threats that are associated with ICT are growing with time. Every organization adopts and implements antivirus, intrusion detectors as well as firewalls for protecting its intellectual property and sensitive data (Grech et al., 2012). Use of appropriate applications as well as technologies will help organizations to save and protect valuable information against different types of data loss and attacks. These security applications must be used in an updated form for getting the expected result and expanding the organization. Using these, applications will play a major role in improving the operational efficiency of the organization and will raise the level of customer satisfaction. Most of the organizations choose to encrypt all the sensitive data by using cryptography techniques and algorithms in order to protect the data from being hacked and misused (Stallings Tahiliani, 2014). The chances of digital assaults will reduce by implementing strong securit y standards and using security applications as per the requirements of the organization. Strong and appropriate internet protocols also play a significant role in securing valuable data and protecting it from security threats as well as risks. Norton Security applications are very popular in the current market. These applications play significant role in protecting several computer systems as well as networks against various security threats. The security features present in this application are superior in comparison to the features of other security applications. It also gives fast performance in comparison to other applications (Min et al., 2014). The identity of the organization can be safeguarded by adopting these applications. These applications can safeguard the sensitive information that is present in the system. The main advantage of the Norton Security over other security applications are it does not affect the performance of the system. It also provides high speed along with good performance level. It provides strong security to the system and network in which it has been installed (Ciampa, 2012). The organization gets the facility to select the data which is to be protected. The organization can also mention th e degree of protection that is required for protecting the data. When the user tries to send a message that is not encrypted then this application generates a message that gives a warning signal to make the user aware. The users are also given the right for selecting the level of internet access. This application has the ability to monitor the internet connections. The Anti-Virus software prevents the various categories of malicious code attacks that are possible (Baquiran Wren, 2014). Some of them are virus attacks, worms and Trojan horses. Norton Firewall helps the organizations to protect it from any extrinsic attack (Suh et al., 2014). This application acts as a barrier and notifies the user if there is any type of unauthorized intrusion. The advertisements that are displayed on various websites can also be blocked by using Norton Security applications. All these features of the application can be considered to be its success factors. These applications have certain limitations as well. Installing these applications consumes huge memory space and the process of uninstalling the application is very difficult. These two characteristics of this application are the main reason behind its failure. The Norton Security application cannot be totally erased from the system even after it has been uninstalled. The advantages of this application overshadow its disadvantages. Therefore, the Australian organization can use the Norton Security application. Kaspersky Internet Security is another application that will help to satisfy the needs of the Australian company. This application plays a crucial role in protecting the system and network of a company from phishing attacks, spam, network attacks as well as new types of threats (Gudkova et al., 2013). This application contains many protection components that have the capability to tackle all kinds of threats. Real-time solutions can be provided by these applications. Virus attacks can harm the documents in the system. These virus attacks can be prevented by the File Anti-Virus. All the files are scanned to detect any virus present in the system. Only virus free files are allowed to be accessed by the users. The mails received by the system can be scanned to detect any virus through the Mail Anti-Virus. Firewall is known for protecting the private internal network from extrinsic intrusion. The network monitor is supposed to monitor the network. Anti-Spam prevents any type of phishing activity. This is done by checking the URLs of the websites. The memory space consumed by this application is less. All these can be considered as the success factors of the application. There are certain limitations like, it reduces the computer performance and it is slow at detecting malicious websites. The compatibility of the firewall needs to be improved (Verlinde Verlinde, 2013). The disadvantages or limitations are much less as compared to the huge list of advantages. Therefore, the Australian organization can use the Kaspersky Internet Security for fulfilling its demands. Bitdefender Total Security can also be used by all the organizations for protecting their systems and networks from malware attacks like virus attacks, spyware attacks, Trojan horse and all types of internet attacks like phishing attack, hacking and spam (Pavel, 2013). It scans the entire system to detect and prevent the entry of malicious codes. The files and documents present in the system are also scanned by Bitdefender. The HTTP traffics are also scanned by this application. This application does not allow the system to download any infected file or documents from web. The responsiveness of the system is improved by this application. This application can also keep track of what is typed on keyboard by using the keylogger component. It has the ability to scan during the startup time of the computer. The web cookies can be also scanned by the application. These are the success factors behind the Bitdefender Total Security. There are many disadvantages like, the scanning process is slow and the application is known to consume huge quantity of resources. All these are responsible for deteriorating the performance of the computer. The disadvantages or limitations are much less as compared to the huge list of advantages. Therefore, the Australian organization can use the Bitdefender Total Security for fulfilling its demands. Expansion of the Organization The applications that have been discussed in the previous section can be incorporated in the business processes of the Australian company for expanding its business in next five years and open several branches by using ICT. ICT is prone to various risks like: Spyware: These programs act as a spy and enter any network or system in a silent manner. The motive of these programs is to watch the activities of user and get unauthorized access to sensitive data (Kahate, 2013). Vulnerabilities: These are the defects or faults that are exploited by the hackers and attackers (Hou, Li Chang, 2017). The hackers can exploit the vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access to the valuable data of the organization with the intention of harming the company. Malware: These are malicious codes designed for the purpose of damaging the system or network (Sikorski Honig, 2012). Viruses and Trojan horses are examples of malware. Worms are also a type of malware. These risks can be prevented and mitigated for the purpose of expanding business. The aim of the organization will be fulfilled by adopting the above mentioned applications. The use of security applications has become the first priority of every organization. It has become a necessity. Security applications will help to protect the valuable data of the company. It will help the company to create its global image. The present goal of business expansion will be easily achieved by incorporating the security applications in its business processes (Cardona, Kretschmer Strobel, 2013). The attackers will not be able hack into the system and misuse the data. Strong security standards as well as policies will keep the organization away from any security threats and risks. The organization will get many benefits by adopting and incorporating security applications in the business processes. The organization must choose to purchase vendor applications rather than developing in house applications. The company will not have to spend time and money on the maintenance of the software (Kotelnikov, 2014). It is the vendors responsibility to maintain and update the software when necessary. The company can concentrate on different strategies to improve its productivity rather than wasting time in updating and maintaining the software. The company will be able to save the cost of production of new software. The company will also get advices from the experts of the software. The only disadvantage of buying software from vendors is that the company will not have complete control over its applications. The interest of the vendor can conflict with the interest of the directors of the company at any time. The advantages of buying software from vendors are much more as compared to its disadvantages and hence it is preferable for the company to buy the security applications from third party vendors. Conclusion This report concludes that the implementation and use of information or network security applications is essential for the organization. The company is planning to expand and this would be possible by considering the security threats of ICT and incorporating the applications in its business processes. The intensity of threats is rising with time. Different threats have a different level of exposure. The risks that are discussed in this report are malware, vulnerabilities as well as spyware. The organization can expand by protecting its valuable information from any type of external attacks. This report discussed about three applications of network security. These security applications play a crucial role in the current market. Norton Security applications play a significant role in protecting several computer systems as well as networks against various security threats. It also gives fast performance in comparison to other applications. Kaspersky Internet Security plays a crucial rol e in protecting the system and network of a company from phishing attacks, spam, network attacks as well as new types of threats. The memory space consumed by this application is less. Bitdefender Total Security can be used for protecting the systems and networks from malware attacks like virus attacks, spyware attacks, Trojan horse and all types of internet attacks like phishing attack, hacking and spam. This report said that most of the organizations adopt these applications for protecting their intellectual property and sensitive data. This report not only discussed about the advantages of using these applications but also pointed out the limitations of these applications. It also figured out the ways by which these applications will play a major role in the expansion of the Australian company. This report also said that the organization must choose to purchase vendor applications rather than developing in house applications. The company will not have to spend time and money on t he maintenance of the software. The company will be able to save the cost of production of new software. This report also mentioned that the only disadvantage of buying software from vendors is that the company will not have complete control over its applications. Strong security standards as well as policies prevent the organization from any security threats and risks and help in its expansion process. Recommendations Vendor applications: It will be more preferable for the company to purchase security applications from third party vendors rather than developing their own software. The company will be able to save the cost of maintenance as well as the cost of production. It is the responsibility of the vendors to maintain and upgrade the system whenever it is necessary. The company will get time to focus on other requirements and increase the production level. The company will get correct expertise advice from the vendors. The company will be free from any extra workload. Firewall Security: Firewall is known for protecting the private network of an organization from any extrinsic intrusion. It prevents any harmful entry into the internal network by acting as a wall or barrier between the internal and the external network. The firewall allows external traffics to enter the internal network only if it satisfies certain conditions. The company must use firewall security for protecting its business as well as expanding its business. Encryption: The plain or readable texts can be converted to cipher or encrypted texts in this process. The must aim to encrypt the valuable data in order to prevent data loss or breach in the coming future. References Baquiran, M., Wren, D. (2014). Document: Webroot Secure Anywhere Cloud Antivirus vs. Six Competitor Antivirus Products (August 2014). Cardona, M., Kretschmer, T., Strobel, T. (2013). ICT and productivity: conclusions from the empirical literature.Information Economics and Policy,25(3), 109-125. Ciampa, M. 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